FAQ - Mary Magadalene
We often receive questions about Mary Magdalene, especially since the publication of this most entertaining work of fiction, The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown. These most frequently asked questions have been taken from actual e-mails received. The e-mails have been many, however, most of them asked the same few questions. I hope that these answers will cover your own questions about our view on Miriam of Magdala. If you have any other questions not addressed in this website, please send us an e-mail. Due to the volume of requests, we are unable to answer personally or engage in any debates on the subject; however your questions will be taken into consideration the next time we update this page.
For a comprehensive, scholarly work on Mary Magdalene,
I highly recommend The Resurrection of Mary Magdalene by Jane Schaberg.
Note: I will answer these questions once in this website; however, I must reiterate that ancient gossip means very little to me. While history is important so that we do not repeat the horrors, tyrannies and genocides of the past, in this instance we are not dealing with history
but speculation. If believing that Jesus and Mary Magdalene were married makes you a more compassionate, empathetic, forgiving individual, by all means believe it. If believing that or any other thing makes you constantly aware of the Divine Presence in all beings, even to loving your enemies, please do so. Our work focuses on seeking the true treasures of the spirit and for what may bring a radical transformation in our consciousness.
Q How do you see Mary Magdalene?
A As the first witness to the resurrection, and in a greater dimension, as a cosmic and mythological figure that deeply resonates within us.

Q Do you think that MM was the author of the Book of John?
A No.

Q Does the MM Order agree that MM and Jesus were married? It says in The Gospel of Philip that Jesus kissed her often on her mouth.
A No. According to their records they were never married.
As to the saying in the Gospel of Philip that Jesus kissed her often on the mouth, we make the mistake of reading through modern eyes what was written by ancient minds. Kissing in this instance refers to initiation or transmission of spiritual knowledge. This passage is usually quoted out of context. When quoted in context it acquires a whole different meaning.
As for Wisdom, who is called "barren," she is the mother of the angels. And the companion of the Lord was Mary Magdalene. He loved her more than the rest of the disciples and used to kiss her often on her mouth. The rest of the disciples were jealous and said to him, "Why do you love her more than all of us?" The savior answered and said to them, "Why I do not love you like her? When a blind man and one who sees are both together in darkness, they are no different from one another. When the light comes, then he who sees will see the light, and he who is blind will remain in darkness."
In logion 108 of the Gospel of Thomas we can find the same theme:
Jesus said, "Whoever will drink from my mouth will become like me. I myself shall become he, and the things that are hidden shall be revealed to him."

Q Jesus must have been married. Wasn't that the custom for Jewish men?
A Not all Jewish men were married. Jesus defied many rules and conventions. His own mother got pregnant of him without prior benefit of marriage. There went the neighborhood! So it was not likely that he was ever married to anyone. Besides, he was an extraordinary man that defied conventions.
To name just a few of the acts that put Jesus at odds with the religious authorities of his time, Jesus permitted a bleeding woman to touch him, ate without washing his hands first, forgave an adulterous woman, ate with publicans, tax collectors and others of ill repute, touched and healed lepers, healed on the Sabbath, insulted the "religious majority" of the time by calling them hypocrites and "bleached sepulchers." Making sure that they understood what he meant, he went on to say that while they may appear righteous on the outside they were filled of decay and putrefaction inside. He also told people to pray and fast in secret without attracting attention to themselves in public places. There are too many instances to enumerate in these few lines.

Q Did Mary Magdalene have a child?
A No.

Q Was MM the woman healed of seven demons?
A No.

Q Was MM the adulterous woman?
A No.

Q Was Mary Magdalene a prostitute?
A No, but very likely she was called one in her lifetime. An independent woman of means that was part of such a group of men would very likely be called a prostitute. Even in my generation, independent women that did not keep to certain conventions or that were financially independent were accused of using sex to get grades or promotions on their jobs. Most modern women today would have been considered outcasts at those times. The term whore, rather than casting aspersion on Mary Magdalene, tells us more about the attitudes of the men and women of her time. She probably cared little about what they thought.