The Release of the Dead
Release of Relationship
© 1989, Rosamonde Miller
Only one petitioner for divorce is needed for this ritual, but it can be done with both if the two agree. If with two, they face each other and alternately repeat each phrase. It can also be adapted to end relations with family members, friends, etc. where one or more desire a parting of ways. Members of the family and guests are welcome to be present at this ritual, but it can also be done in private. This ritual can also be done within a relationship to make a clean break with harmful patterns of the past and before renewal of vows. Notice the similarity with the release of the dead.
I release you, dear [N___], and let you go in peace and love.
I release you and myself from any expectations, false images, or impressions that you may have had of me or that I may have had of you.
I release you and myself from any guilt that you may have had towards me and that I may have had towards you.
I release you and myself from any disagreements and unpleasantness that may have passed between us.
I acknowledge the ways in which you touched my life and the lives of others, and the ways in which I may have touched yours.
I release you from any sense of guilt or obligation that you may feel or ever felt, that you may live your life fully, in freedom and love, wherever you may go, for all time.
I acknowledge all that you did [and do] for the sake of love and compassion for others.
I thank you for all the joy that you have brought to me as well as to others and for all the strength and wisdom that I have gained from having known you. I hope that I have, in some way, brought some of the same to you.
May all our sorrows and tears dissolve into healing, serenity, and blessing.
May the truth, wisdom, understanding and compassion of the Divine Presence, redeemer, and beloved of our hearts shine always upon you.
May the love of the Logos and of the Holy Shekinah surround you and guide you for eternity.
I will always be grateful to you for everything you have brought to my life, with no exceptions.
I release you into joy.
I release you into peace.
I release you into love. Amen.